[Gamestudio] Leap Motion DLL

Today I finished a simple DLL to connect Gamestudio to the Leap Motion. Headers and DLL can be downloaded here. The plugin works with the Leap Motion SDK 0.7.6.


Since I don’t know about the license, you have to download the SDK yourself and put the Leap.dll in the same directory as this plugin.

The device has to be enabled by calling leap_init() and can then be used, for instance, to get all hands (get_hand_count()) recognized by the device. The video below shows a quickly hacked demo.

[Leap Motion] Setting up a C++ project with Visual Studio 2010

Yesterday, my Leap Motion Developer Device arrived and I started imeadiately to try the diverse SDKs. Setting up a Java project is simple because the official resource side provides an easy but great tutorial. A C++ project is some more difficult but fairly uncomplicated, as well, when you know how to configure include and library paths. Follow these easy steps to set up a project:

  1. Create a Win32 project via File -> New Project…
  2. Right click the project and select Properties
  3. Under Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Include directories add a link to [LeapSDK]\include
  4. Under Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories -> Library directories add a link to [LeapSDK]\lib\x86
  5. Add Leap.dll (Or Leapd.dll in debug mode) under Linker -> Input.
  6. Include at least leap.h in your project and follow the official C++ tutorial to begin your first project.

Have fun! 🙂