Some friends and I started a new template library for the game development suite Gamestudio called TUST. This library is supposed to be easy to use for beginners to enable Gamestudio to be more user friendly as it was in its younger days. Furthermore, the Gamestudio community posts hundreds of great code snippets but nobody ever composed them into one package. Currently, we are working on the basics like path finding, effects, shaders and small demos.
If anybody is interested in joining us (yes, you too, students 😉 ) he/she can contact me. We need every help we can get so that we can show an eary state on the AckCon 2013 (video1, video2) in June in Bielefeld!
To show the progress we made, I want to post some pictures of the finished, customizable, procedurally generated menu system I wrote in the last days.